NOTE: This article is taken from the archives as I'm busy finishing up my first book, "The Gospel: For Here Or To Go?" this week.
"And John replied, 'He must increase, but I must decrease.'" John 3:30 (NIV)
Do you feel yourself shrinking? Do you feel Christ becoming more and more "at large" in your life? I don't. If anything, I feel the opposite. Most of my day is filled with the pursuit of my wants and concerns about my needs, thinking about my plans, and praying about my dreams.
Jesus? Oh, He's there. But He's not taking over. More and more I'm starting to realize that I really want Him to take over. I need Him to take over.
What I need is for Christ to permeate my life. I need to sense his presence all the time. I need to hear his voice. I need to know his heart for people. I need to take His words to heart and start living them out in my actual life.
When you reach this point in your life, you begin to realize the simple power and wisdom of the Spiritual Disciplines. Suddenly the idea of fasting and observing silence and simplicity become things that your very soul craves.
To many of us, the idea of Spiritual Discipline sounds like a means to take away our freedom in Christ. A way to drag us down and force us to observe the Law. That's not what the Disciplines are all about.
Sure, some churches and more than a few leaders, have misused the Disciplines in the past. Sometimes we can allow others to place their expectations of perfection upon us and bind us up in the pursuit of an outward appearance of Holiness.
But, when a follower of Christ reaches the place where they realize that their flesh is much too weak, even when their spirit is most willing, the Disciplines become an escape route from the bondage of sinfulness.
The Spiritual Disciplines are like turning the spoon away from your own mouth and using it to dig a tunnel under the fence of sin and into the sunlight of freedom.
Jesus' parable of the Pearl Of Great Price (Matthew 13:44), where those who find a great treasure joyfully run out and sell everything in order to get it, is a great picture of what our attitude should be. We're not to worry about how much the pearl costs, we should be worried that we might not be able to sell things fast enough to get the money to buy that pearl.
When we truly understand just how utterly fantastic God's Kingdom really is, as compared to our own kingdom, then the idea of giving up time and food and money and worldly success is nowhere near as precious.
Jesus has some pretty strong words for those who call themselves by His name in Luke chapter 14, verse 27. He says "..Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple."
Taking up my cross means my own death. It means the end of my personal kingdom and the beginning of His.
My prayer is that God would give me the strength to daily deny myself, take up my cross and follow Him. I want to go where He's going. I want to walk with Him.
What will it cost me? My car? My house? My dreams? My job? Great. What else? I want to kick my kingdom to the ground and dance while it burns.
I'm ready to follow Him now. "He must increase, I must decrease."
Do you feel yourself shrinking?
By Keith Giles
APOLOGY: The guys at FEEDBLITZ have been having a rough time lately sending out these e-newsletters to everyone. The last one was posted on Tuesday evening but most of you didn't see it until Friday or Saturday. I apologize for the delays but so far there's not much I can do about it. If this problems persists I will look into switching over to a new service.
Philly Fire Destroys Simple Way Community Center
"Fabric of our community life changed forever."
[Subversive Underground] Presents:
March 2008 in Orange County, California
With Jackie Pullinger, David Ruis and 100 others
Find out more:
SOLITON SESSIONS- August 9-12, 2007
Ventura, CA
*I'll be there, hope to see some of you there also...
This is the weekly e-newsletter of Keith Giles called [subversive underground]. My main website is here:
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
An ongoing series of articles by Keith A. Giles
*Previous Articles In The Series:
10-The Christian Sub-Culture is not The Kingdom of God
9- The Kingdom of God is NOT the American Dream
8- Obedience to Jesus is not optional
7- Works are not a bad word
6- We ARE The Church
5- "Humility Is Essential"
by Keith Giles
"Humility is a virtue so beyond my understanding that should I achieve it, I would be proud of myself" - Benjamin Franklin
Someone once defined a prideful person as "..someone who spends too much time thinking about themselves and not enough time thinking about me." Andrew Murray put it another way, "Humility is not thinking less of myself, it is not thinking of myself at all."
God has a lot to say about pride, and as I go through my life I have seen the wisdom of these words played out numerous times.
"God opposes the proud, but gives Grace to the humble."
- (Proverbs 3:34)
This verse speaks volumes, doesn't it? We are handed a simple choice; To humble ourselves and receive Grace, or to continue in our pride and have the creator of the Universe oppose us. Sadly, my own pride has often been the catalyst in my life for failure, bad judgement and hurt feelings. I have learned to hate my pride and to keep a close eye on it, just in case it tries to rise up and do something stupid.
When Jesus went out and spoke to the people of his day, he centered his teaching on something called "The Kingdom of God". He told stories to illustrate what life was like in this Kingdom. He used everyday moments to point out Kingdom values. Jesus was almost always teaching his disciples, and anyone else in earshot, what the Kingdom of God was all about.
One interesting thing about the Kingdom of God is that to enter it you must first humble yourself, (see Mark 10:14-15). That's because the Kingdom of God is quite simply that place where the absolute will of God is done. This means that God is King, and that you and I are not. So, if we will not humble ourselves and submit to God's will in every way, we cannot enter the Kingdom. Better said, when we refuse to humble ourselves, we have left the Kingdom of God and entered our own Kingdom, where our will is done.
This is why Jesus says, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."(Luke 9:23) Jesus isn't being mean here. He's not saying, "If you don't jump through this hoop I will not allow you to join my club." What he's saying here is more like, "If you can't swim, you will not be allowed to work as a lifeguard at the pool." Jesus is simply pointing out that someone who is unwilling to let go of their agenda, their will for their life, cannot follow him. It can't be done without humility and submission.
Even Jesus began his ministry by humbling himself to become flesh, to be born to a simple, poor family, and even to lay down his life for us all. (see Phil 2:5-8) See, God went first. He humbled Himself before us. He submitted Himself to us first, and even when we were putting nails through His hands and feet, He continued to surrender to us in order to rescue us from our sins.
Now, Jesus asks us who are called by His name to humble ourselves. We are expected to look at Jesus as our blueprint for life in the Kingdom of God and become obedient to God, even to the point of death as we carry our own crosses daily.
I believe that is why Jesus set the example of washing his disciples feet. He humbled himself before them, served them as a slave would serve his master, and then said, "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you...Now that you know these things, you will blessed if you do them." (John 13:15;17)
That's the key ladies and gentlemen. We are blessed when we do these things. Not when we "know" these things, but when we "do" these things. That is when the blessing comes. Humility isn't just a good idea, it's a pattern of life for those who desire to place their feet into those prints left in the sand just ahead of us by a carpenter from Nazareth.
"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
Articles online now at
THIS IS WHO WE ARE: Wonder what the House Church Movement is all about? Watch this short video clip online here:
[Subversive Underground] Presents:
March 2008 in Orange County, California
With Jackie Pullinger, David Ruis and 100 others
Find out more:
SOLITON SESSIONS- August 9-12, 2007
Ventura, CA
*I'll be there, hope to see some of you there also...
An ongoing series of articles by Keith A. Giles
*Previous Articles In The Series:
10-The Christian Sub-Culture is not The Kingdom of God
9- The Kingdom of God is NOT the American Dream
8- Obedience to Jesus is not optional
7- Works are not a bad word
6- We ARE The Church
5- "Humility Is Essential"
by Keith Giles
"Humility is a virtue so beyond my understanding that should I achieve it, I would be proud of myself" - Benjamin Franklin
Someone once defined a prideful person as "..someone who spends too much time thinking about themselves and not enough time thinking about me." Andrew Murray put it another way, "Humility is not thinking less of myself, it is not thinking of myself at all."
God has a lot to say about pride, and as I go through my life I have seen the wisdom of these words played out numerous times.
"God opposes the proud, but gives Grace to the humble."
- (Proverbs 3:34)
This verse speaks volumes, doesn't it? We are handed a simple choice; To humble ourselves and receive Grace, or to continue in our pride and have the creator of the Universe oppose us. Sadly, my own pride has often been the catalyst in my life for failure, bad judgement and hurt feelings. I have learned to hate my pride and to keep a close eye on it, just in case it tries to rise up and do something stupid.
When Jesus went out and spoke to the people of his day, he centered his teaching on something called "The Kingdom of God". He told stories to illustrate what life was like in this Kingdom. He used everyday moments to point out Kingdom values. Jesus was almost always teaching his disciples, and anyone else in earshot, what the Kingdom of God was all about.
One interesting thing about the Kingdom of God is that to enter it you must first humble yourself, (see Mark 10:14-15). That's because the Kingdom of God is quite simply that place where the absolute will of God is done. This means that God is King, and that you and I are not. So, if we will not humble ourselves and submit to God's will in every way, we cannot enter the Kingdom. Better said, when we refuse to humble ourselves, we have left the Kingdom of God and entered our own Kingdom, where our will is done.
This is why Jesus says, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."(Luke 9:23) Jesus isn't being mean here. He's not saying, "If you don't jump through this hoop I will not allow you to join my club." What he's saying here is more like, "If you can't swim, you will not be allowed to work as a lifeguard at the pool." Jesus is simply pointing out that someone who is unwilling to let go of their agenda, their will for their life, cannot follow him. It can't be done without humility and submission.
Even Jesus began his ministry by humbling himself to become flesh, to be born to a simple, poor family, and even to lay down his life for us all. (see Phil 2:5-8) See, God went first. He humbled Himself before us. He submitted Himself to us first, and even when we were putting nails through His hands and feet, He continued to surrender to us in order to rescue us from our sins.
Now, Jesus asks us who are called by His name to humble ourselves. We are expected to look at Jesus as our blueprint for life in the Kingdom of God and become obedient to God, even to the point of death as we carry our own crosses daily.
I believe that is why Jesus set the example of washing his disciples feet. He humbled himself before them, served them as a slave would serve his master, and then said, "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you...Now that you know these things, you will blessed if you do them." (John 13:15;17)
That's the key ladies and gentlemen. We are blessed when we do these things. Not when we "know" these things, but when we "do" these things. That is when the blessing comes. Humility isn't just a good idea, it's a pattern of life for those who desire to place their feet into those prints left in the sand just ahead of us by a carpenter from Nazareth.
"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
Articles online now at
THIS IS WHO WE ARE: Wonder what the House Church Movement is all about? Watch this short video clip online here:
[Subversive Underground] Presents:
March 2008 in Orange County, California
With Jackie Pullinger, David Ruis and 100 others
Find out more:
SOLITON SESSIONS- August 9-12, 2007
Ventura, CA
*I'll be there, hope to see some of you there also...
Monday, June 11, 2007
by Keith A. Giles
This week at The Mission, our weekly house church, one of the children chose a verse to share with the group. It was Matthew 5:13-16 where Jesus declares that we, His followers, are the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World.
The discussion that followed revealed that God simply wants us to be who we are and what we are, no more and no less. Jesus makes the point that salt is for being salty, if it doesn't do that it is worthless. He explains how light is meant to be seen in the darkness and if you light the candle and then hide it, what good is it?
Our discussion touched on the futility of attempting to be something other than what we are. Sometimes we think that to be a good witness for Jesus we have to be the most Holy and Perfect person in the room. We have to smile as much as possible. We have to wear a mask of holiness and be careful not to let anyone see weakness or doubt or failure in our lives.
I can remember once when my Dad came home from work and told me that, after months of trying to be a witness in his workplace he had discovered something unexpected. When he was doing his best to appear "Godly" in front of his co-workers, they kept him at arms length and avoided him. That day he had been in a conversation with a co-worker who was not a Believer and he had accidentally cursed out loud in his frustration. His co-worker sat back and stared at my Father in shock and disbelief. Then my Dad hung his head and apologized for his coarse language, admitting that he struggled sometimes in this area. His friend leaned forward and began to ask him about his faith. He wanted to know where my Dad attended church. Over the next few weeks this man would come around and ask my Dad questions about the Bible.
What had happened? My Father had simply let his mask fall to the ground. He had confessed to his friend that he was a sinner and that he needed the Gospel himself.
Jesus called us Salt and Light. It only takes a small flicker of light to push back an ocean of darkness. It only takes a few grains of salt to season a steak. Too much light only blinds those who are searching. Too much salt ruins the most succulent of meals.
I found myself wondering how wonderful it would be if Christians around the Nation would begin to take down their masks and just be who they are in front of their co-workers and neighbors. Instead of pointing our fingers and saying, "You! Sinner! You need to repent and receive the Gospel!" maybe we should be saying, "I am the wretched sinner who needs the Gospel. Here are the ways I would be hopeless without Jesus". Maybe then people could see our small, flickering light? Maybe then they might taste the small grains of salt upon their tongues?
I think it's worth a try. Don't you?
THIS IS WHO WE ARE: Want to know what all the House Church fuss is about? I've posted a very cool video over at the Mission House Church page for everyone to check out. It's a wonderful snapshot of what the Holy Spirit is doing in the lives of people, one house at a time. Here ya go:
SICK OF THE HYPE? [Subversive Underground] Presents "Non-Con '08" - A Conference for People Who Never Want To Attend Another Conference Again. Featuring Jackie Pullinger, David Ruis, me and you and 96 other people in a room together. A time to serve the poor together, to eat together, to listen to each other, and to practice being the Church. Only 100 seats available. March of 2008 here in Orange County, California. A little more info here:
TO REPLY TO ME DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. IT'S AN AUTOMATED SERVICE AND I WILL NOT SEE IT! Instead hit me up at "Elysiansky" (at) "hotmail" (dot) "com".
Visit our site at
Soliton Sessions in Ventura, California
August 9-12th
Conversation: "Dangerous Living"
Guides: Kester Brewin (UK), Pete Rollins (N IRE), Christine Pohl (US), Ched Myers (US), Barry Taylor (US/UK)and many others, including you!
by Keith A. Giles
This week at The Mission, our weekly house church, one of the children chose a verse to share with the group. It was Matthew 5:13-16 where Jesus declares that we, His followers, are the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World.
The discussion that followed revealed that God simply wants us to be who we are and what we are, no more and no less. Jesus makes the point that salt is for being salty, if it doesn't do that it is worthless. He explains how light is meant to be seen in the darkness and if you light the candle and then hide it, what good is it?
Our discussion touched on the futility of attempting to be something other than what we are. Sometimes we think that to be a good witness for Jesus we have to be the most Holy and Perfect person in the room. We have to smile as much as possible. We have to wear a mask of holiness and be careful not to let anyone see weakness or doubt or failure in our lives.
I can remember once when my Dad came home from work and told me that, after months of trying to be a witness in his workplace he had discovered something unexpected. When he was doing his best to appear "Godly" in front of his co-workers, they kept him at arms length and avoided him. That day he had been in a conversation with a co-worker who was not a Believer and he had accidentally cursed out loud in his frustration. His co-worker sat back and stared at my Father in shock and disbelief. Then my Dad hung his head and apologized for his coarse language, admitting that he struggled sometimes in this area. His friend leaned forward and began to ask him about his faith. He wanted to know where my Dad attended church. Over the next few weeks this man would come around and ask my Dad questions about the Bible.
What had happened? My Father had simply let his mask fall to the ground. He had confessed to his friend that he was a sinner and that he needed the Gospel himself.
Jesus called us Salt and Light. It only takes a small flicker of light to push back an ocean of darkness. It only takes a few grains of salt to season a steak. Too much light only blinds those who are searching. Too much salt ruins the most succulent of meals.
I found myself wondering how wonderful it would be if Christians around the Nation would begin to take down their masks and just be who they are in front of their co-workers and neighbors. Instead of pointing our fingers and saying, "You! Sinner! You need to repent and receive the Gospel!" maybe we should be saying, "I am the wretched sinner who needs the Gospel. Here are the ways I would be hopeless without Jesus". Maybe then people could see our small, flickering light? Maybe then they might taste the small grains of salt upon their tongues?
I think it's worth a try. Don't you?
THIS IS WHO WE ARE: Want to know what all the House Church fuss is about? I've posted a very cool video over at the Mission House Church page for everyone to check out. It's a wonderful snapshot of what the Holy Spirit is doing in the lives of people, one house at a time. Here ya go:
SICK OF THE HYPE? [Subversive Underground] Presents "Non-Con '08" - A Conference for People Who Never Want To Attend Another Conference Again. Featuring Jackie Pullinger, David Ruis, me and you and 96 other people in a room together. A time to serve the poor together, to eat together, to listen to each other, and to practice being the Church. Only 100 seats available. March of 2008 here in Orange County, California. A little more info here:
TO REPLY TO ME DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. IT'S AN AUTOMATED SERVICE AND I WILL NOT SEE IT! Instead hit me up at "Elysiansky" (at) "hotmail" (dot) "com".
Visit our site at
Soliton Sessions in Ventura, California
August 9-12th
Conversation: "Dangerous Living"
Guides: Kester Brewin (UK), Pete Rollins (N IRE), Christine Pohl (US), Ched Myers (US), Barry Taylor (US/UK)and many others, including you!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
(It's His World, We Just Get To Live In It)
By Keith Giles
After over thirty years of being a Christian I have learned a few valuable lessons. This is probably one of the most crucial ones; God will not cooperate.
If you want to know what frustration is, try to bargain or reason with God. Want to know how to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans.
Sometimes we get the idea that we can change God's mind about something. There are even a few scriptural accounts where it appears that Moses and Abraham convince God to go along with their plans. The problem with this is that you cannot negotiate with someone who already knows the end from the beginning and knows your thoughts before you speak. Want to know what is really happening in those passages? It's God demonstrating that He knows things always go better with us if we think it was our idea.
Once in a while you will see a bumper sticker that says, "God Is My Co-Pilot". I always pray for people who have that on their car because if you think God is about to sit quietly in the passenger seat while you drive your life outside of His will you are either sadly mistaken or you are in the wrong car. Soon enough you will discover that things go so much smoother when you scoot over and allow God to be the Pilot.
We all know the passage where Jacob wrestles with God and refuses to let go until God blesses him. The problem with that is God had already promised to bless Jacob before he was even born. Jacob didn't need to wrestle the blessing out of God's hand, but God allowed him to wrestle anyway. Truth is, God loves to wrestle. I think what we need to consider is, what will we do with God AFTER he gives us that blessing we wrestled from Him? Will we let go of Him? Often, we do exactly that. We vow to not let go of God until He blesses us, and then after He blesses us, we let go of Him. Bad idea.
I firmly believe that God will drop trouble into our lives just to hear our voice after a long silence.
Save yourself a lot of trouble and just surrender now. God will have His way...(just ask Job or Jonah)...and His way, believe it or not, is much better than all of your beautiful plans and dreams.
Die to yourself daily and things will go SO much better in your life. Practice daily saying, "I Give Up!" and watch God do amazing things with your life. His will, His Kingdom, will come to your life, to your house, to your job, and things will be like Heaven...where His will is always done without question or gripe or complaint.
I recently discovered a phrase used by the early Church Fathers that says, "Conversatio Morem!". It translates to "Constant Conversion!" which honestly is what we all need to embrace. We all need a daily, constant surrender to Jesus in order to fully walk in The Kingdom of God.
"Man makes his plans but God orders his steps."
-Proverbs 16:9
Life in the Kingdom begins with surrender. The sooner you can practice this in your actual life, the sooner you can begin to live in the Kingdom of God, where His perfect will is always done.
God will not cooperate.
SOLITON SESSIONS, Ventura, California
AUGUST 9-12, 2007
FREE JESUS: This is interesting...
I've got two articles online now at
Check'em out and please leave a comment at the site
GREAT DISCUSSION: Over at my main website there's an interesting discussion going on that you should read about.
(It's His World, We Just Get To Live In It)
By Keith Giles
After over thirty years of being a Christian I have learned a few valuable lessons. This is probably one of the most crucial ones; God will not cooperate.
If you want to know what frustration is, try to bargain or reason with God. Want to know how to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans.
Sometimes we get the idea that we can change God's mind about something. There are even a few scriptural accounts where it appears that Moses and Abraham convince God to go along with their plans. The problem with this is that you cannot negotiate with someone who already knows the end from the beginning and knows your thoughts before you speak. Want to know what is really happening in those passages? It's God demonstrating that He knows things always go better with us if we think it was our idea.
Once in a while you will see a bumper sticker that says, "God Is My Co-Pilot". I always pray for people who have that on their car because if you think God is about to sit quietly in the passenger seat while you drive your life outside of His will you are either sadly mistaken or you are in the wrong car. Soon enough you will discover that things go so much smoother when you scoot over and allow God to be the Pilot.
We all know the passage where Jacob wrestles with God and refuses to let go until God blesses him. The problem with that is God had already promised to bless Jacob before he was even born. Jacob didn't need to wrestle the blessing out of God's hand, but God allowed him to wrestle anyway. Truth is, God loves to wrestle. I think what we need to consider is, what will we do with God AFTER he gives us that blessing we wrestled from Him? Will we let go of Him? Often, we do exactly that. We vow to not let go of God until He blesses us, and then after He blesses us, we let go of Him. Bad idea.
I firmly believe that God will drop trouble into our lives just to hear our voice after a long silence.
Save yourself a lot of trouble and just surrender now. God will have His way...(just ask Job or Jonah)...and His way, believe it or not, is much better than all of your beautiful plans and dreams.
Die to yourself daily and things will go SO much better in your life. Practice daily saying, "I Give Up!" and watch God do amazing things with your life. His will, His Kingdom, will come to your life, to your house, to your job, and things will be like Heaven...where His will is always done without question or gripe or complaint.
I recently discovered a phrase used by the early Church Fathers that says, "Conversatio Morem!". It translates to "Constant Conversion!" which honestly is what we all need to embrace. We all need a daily, constant surrender to Jesus in order to fully walk in The Kingdom of God.
"Man makes his plans but God orders his steps."
-Proverbs 16:9
Life in the Kingdom begins with surrender. The sooner you can practice this in your actual life, the sooner you can begin to live in the Kingdom of God, where His perfect will is always done.
God will not cooperate.
SOLITON SESSIONS, Ventura, California
AUGUST 9-12, 2007
FREE JESUS: This is interesting...
I've got two articles online now at
Check'em out and please leave a comment at the site
GREAT DISCUSSION: Over at my main website there's an interesting discussion going on that you should read about.
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