Wednesday, May 02, 2007


How is it we can become numb to the amazing love of God for us? God's Word tells us that His love for us is everlasting, unfailing, and eternal. God thinks about you. He sings over you. He knows your name. He has a plan for your life. He wants to bless you. He loves to guide you into the right way. God's love is better than life. He is slow to anger and abounding in love. His love is shown to a thousand generations to those who love Him. His love surpasses knowledge. Because of His love we are saved, delivered and healed.

God loves you. Do you know that? Do you really believe that? Do you experience His love every day? Sometimes we need a good reminder of His continual, faithful love for us.

Here's how we can tell we don't "get it":
1) We keep searching for fulfillment in Earthly things
2) We fear to trust God with everything
3) We try to earn His favor or attention

Most of us have discovered that things don't bring us happiness. But until we stop living our lives for things (which are here today and gone tomorrow) we don't really "know" it yet.

God has proven that He is faithful over and over again, and that He, above all others, can be trusted. But, do we rest in that? Do we really trust in that continual, steadfast love? God really does have a better plan for our life than we can imagine. But until we trust God completely with everything in our life, until we let go of our life, we cannot really discover the joy of loving Him in Spirit and Truth.

We also know that God already loves us 100%. We can't make Him love us more or love us less. His faucet of love is already "on" full-blast! Yet sometimes we can start to serve Him because we think He will bless us more for our good deeds. Or we sometimes think that God owes us something because of all the great things we've done for Him. The truth is that we have already received the fullness of His love and we get the blessing of walking in His love every single day.

Because of this great, awesome, eternal, everlasting love we can live and love and serve others in confidence. We can count on God's continual goodness. We can count on Him to provide us with daily bread. He is faithful.

Every attribute of God is to the infinite degree. His love for us is infinite. His mercy is infinite. We can take comfort in this, although we will never have the ability to grasp even one facet of His character completely. Knowing this, even if we cannot understand it fully, can help take courage in our everyday life.

As Wendy and I are facing our tenth month without full-time employment, we are being challenged to live out what we know about God by faith. Because God has been faithful to us in the past, we can know that God will continue to be true to Himself and His character today...and tomorrow...even if we don't see it right now. God is faithful.

God has placed some challenges before us in the last few days that makes it difficult to live out our faith. We have to constantly remind ourselves that God is good and that He sees us and knows our need before we ask. Faith really is doing something about what you say you believe. We're doing our best to match up our belief with our practice, in more ways than one.

As we've said before, most of the testing we've endured hasn't been to reveal how good we are, but to reveal how good God is. Thankfully, He is really faithful. He is good. His love endures forever.

"For as high as the heavens are above the Earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him." - Psalm 103:11

Take courage! God really does love you..and because He has shown us love we can share this same love with others. That's the master plan. That's the only plan. Love others as you have been loved. Freely you have received, freely you should give.

You are loved!

*REPLY- If you want to reply to this article, please email me directly at "elysiansky" (at) "hotmail" (dot) "com"

*GREATNESS? - If you've not read it yet, it's new to you! Check out the article over at

*HOUSE CHURCH- Now the website has a name. It's ""

*THANK YOU- I sometimes can't believe that I've been writing this every week for over a year now. Thank you all for reading, for sending encouragement, for supporting me in my madness. It's good to know, when you're in the middle of the storm, that you're not alone. Blessings to each of you! You really are loved!

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